Menschen. (People.)
18 women and men, born between 1897 and 1982

The book is part of a portrait project. All the persons presented are people sentenced for crimes against humanity whose offences were motivated by a wide variety of political and religious reasons.
A list of the crimes, terms of imprisonment, background information and source material is also included.
While all 18 portraits are depicted in almost life-size images, with some enlarged details also provided. A preface addresses the reasons for and concept behind the portrait project.
» Look also at the work profile of this project
Offenbach/Main, Bernd Fischer
Book of works in Chinese, English, German, Italian, Khmer, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish and Turkish
Format: 21 x 28 cm, 82 pages
Digital print, soft cover or embossed hard cover
A second slightly shortened edition (soft cover) will also be available.
Layout, typesetting, cover design: Max Markus Schröder,